Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Seventh session

Section 1: Introduction

Research question

A research question should focus on only one problem. For example, one of you states the following research question:

  1. What are the difficulties in implementing X and how to solve them?

This question asks two problems, namely, the difficulties and the solution. It is better to split the question into two because these two problems are completely different and result in different answers.


A hypothesis is a tentative answer to the research question. You write a hypothesis in the Introduction only if you ask a yes-no question. If you ask a research question using wh- question words, you don’t need to write a hypothesis.

The significance of the study

The significance of the study explains how the readers of your skripsi can get benefits from the results of your research. Who are going to read you skripsi? Probably teachers, lecturers, researchers, curriculum developers, textbook writers, headmasters are, but definitely not the students of English who become the research subjects. Therefore, there is NO need to explain how the results of your study will benefit the students.

Section 3: Methodology

Research design

When you explain the research design at the beginning of section 3, please detail how you are going to design the study. The research design should include the overall procedure of conducting your study, but one of you explains the instruments and how to use these instruments instead. Using the instruments is a small part of the research design, i.e. in the data collection.

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