Saturday, December 22, 2012

Feedback for Class B

The following is feedback from me for the presenters in ELT Seminar Class B. I don't write your full name, just the initials.



Research questions (OK)
  1. How is the implementation of storytelling technique in improving speaking ability of narrative text of tenth graders in SMAN 2 Kota Mojokerto? 
  2. How is the students response in the implementation of storytelling technique?

 Scope & limitation
The scope of the study is improving speaking skill by using storytelling as a technique at Senior High School. The subject of the study is limited to the tenth grade students of SMA 2 NEGERI KOTA MOJOKERTO.The reason for choosing these students is because the students in tenth grade have to improve their ability in speaking skill in different types of text.
The sentence written in blue hasn’t shown the limitation of the study.
The sentence written in green explains the reason for choosing the students. This should be written in section III under the heading ‘population and sample’ or ‘subjects of the study.’

Definition of key terms
story telling
narrative text
senior high school
You should define the terms in the following order: general to specific. Begin by defining the language skill.

Research design
The research design is descriptive qualitative, but you use instruments which are used in quantitative research.

Observation checklist is used to describe the phenomena dealing with the impleentation of storytelling in teaching speaking narrative text. The phenomena observed are icluding the points about the teacher’s activity, the student’s activity, teaching learning process, amterial and media.
A checklist is used in quantitative research, not qualitative one.

Speaking task is used to investigate the student’s speaking ability after the implementation of storytelling.
A task is not a research instrument. Why should you measure their speaking ability if you don’t ask it in the research questions?



Research questions
  1. How is Electronic Storybook applied to the sixth grade of SDN Ketegan III?
  2. How the students’ reading comprehension after Electronic Storybook is applied to the sixth grade of SDN Ketegan III?
  3. How is the students’ response to the Electronic Storybook when it is applied to the sixth grade of SDN Ketegan III?
The second research question implies that your research is quantitative because you want to investigate the students’ comprehension, but in section III you mentioned that the research design is descriptive qualitative.

  1. To know how Electronic Storybook in teaching reading is implemented.
  2. To find out how the students’ reading comprehension after Electronic Storybook is applied to the sixth grade of SDN Ketegan III.
  3. To recognize students’ response in the class when Electronic Story book is applied to the sixth grade of SDN Ketegan III.
Don’t use the word ‘know’ or ‘recognize’ in the objective of the study because it’s too superficial. Because it’s a descriptive study, use the word ‘describe’.

Significance of the study
The writer hopes that this study will be benefit for young learners because the main goals of this research is making the children’s reading comprehension increase and comprehend what they read. Finally they will success later.
Who will benefit from reading your skripsi? Will the young learners do?

Scope & limitation
The activity is limited to use Electronic Storybook in teaching learning process.
This sentence doesn’t express the limitation of the study.

Literature review
2.1 Teaching young learner
2.2 Reading
2.3 Multimedia
2.4  Electronic Storybook
2.5 The Implementation of Electronic Storybook to the sixth graders
2.6 Review of previous study
You don’t need to explain the implementation of electronic storybooks to the sixth graders (2.5)  because that’s what you want to find out in this research.
There’s no need to write the review of previous study in a separate subsection.

Subject of the study
This research is conducted in the class of 6th grade students in elementary level. The writer chooses the sixth grade students in order to make a good start and basic preparation for students before they face English in the next level, especially in reading comprehension.
How are you going to draw the sample from the population? Randomly or non-randomly?

Field notes, students' task, questionnaire
Students’ task is not a research instrument.



Research Questions

  1. How can guessing games in outdoor be implemented in teaching vocabulary to the seventh grade students?
  2. How is the students’ vocabulary after the implementation of guessing game in outdoor?
  3. How are the students’ responses toward the use of guessing game in outdoor to teach vocabulary for the seventh grade students?
What do you want to find out by asking the second research question: vocabulary mastery, vocabulary size, or something else? Please clarify.

Significance of the study
The writer hopes that the study can build the students' motivation in learning the language especially in language elements (vocabulary), canreduce the students’ boredom, and also can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery.
Who will benefit from reading your skripsi? Will the students read your skripsi?

guessing game
You should define the terms in the following order: general to specific. Begin by defining the language component.

The subject of this study was the seventh grade students of SMP TPI Gedangan.
Don't use the past tense when writing a research proposal because you haven’t conducted the research yet. Use the future tense.
Explain how you will draw the sample from the population.

Observation checklist, exercise/students's task, questionnaire
Students’ task or exercise is not a research instrument.



Research Questions
  1. How does the implementation of Total Physical Response in learning listening skill? 
  2. How are the students’ responses toward the listening material that given by using the Total Physical Response method ?
The first research question contains grammatical error.

Scope & limitation
The scope of the study is the implementation of learning listening skill by using Total Physical Response method at Elementary School. The subject of the study is limited to the third grade students of SD Negeri Mojosari 1.The reason for choosing these students is because the students in third grade have to acquire listening skill in order to practice their ability in English subject.
The sentence written in blue hasn’t shown the limitation of the study.
The sentence written in green explains the reason for choosing the students. This should be written in section III under the heading ‘population and sample’ or ‘subjects of the study.’

The setting of the study is SD Mojosari 1 Mojokerto. It is located at Jl. Pemuda No. 56 Mojosari. This place was chosen because it was one of the favorite schools in Mojosari. For this study, the researcher chose the third grade students as the subject of the study. The writer chose them with consideration that in fact they need something new or interesting thing when they are learning English, especially listening in which it seems boring activity for many students so that it will help them to be engaged more in the listening process and improve their listening comprehension well.
Setting means the place where the research will be conducted. Don’t mention the subjects of the study in ‘Setting’. The sentences written in blue should be written under the heading ‘Subjects of the Study.’



Research questions
  1. Does monolingual dictionary decrease grammatical errors in writing an essay of eleventh graders SMK N 11 Surabaya?
  2. Does bilingual dictionary decrease grammatical errors in writing an essay of eleventh graders SMK N 11 Surabaya? 
  3. Is there any difference in using monolingual and bilingual dictionary to decrease grammatical errors in writing an essay of eleventh graders SMK N 11 Surabaya?
How are you going to find out whether the use of a dictionary can decrease the number of grammatical errors? There should be 2 groups: one writes an essay by using a dictionary, while another writes an essay without using a dictionary. To answer the first research question, you need 2 groups. To answer the second one, you need two more groups.

  1. To describe monolingual dictionary can decrease grammatical errors in writing an essay of eleventh graders SMK N 11 Surabaya.
  2. To describe bilingual dictionary can decrease grammatical errors in writing an essay of eleventh graders SMK N 11 Surabaya.
  3. To describe the difference in using monolingual and bilingual dictionary to decrease grammatical errors in writing an essay of eleventh graders SMK N 11 Surabaya.
The objective of experimental research is not to describe something, but to find out something.

Scope & limitation
The study is limited in using monolingual and bilingual in writing an essay to eleventh graders of SMK N 11 Surabaya.
This sentence hasn’t shown the limitation of the study.

Please define ‘grammatical errors’.

What kind of sampling are you going to use? How are you going to draw the sample?

Is a questionnaire needed to get info about the use of dictionary? Isn't it the treatment?



Literature review
Please review ‘Stop the train’ game.

The instruments need to be elaborated.



Significance of the study
Who will benefit from reading your skripsi? Will the students read your skripsi?

Literature review
Avoid quoting from websites, e.g. http ://

Research subjects
How are you going to draw the sample?

Are you going to use observation or a test? How come there's a table about test items?

Data analysis
How are you going to analyse the results of interview?



Research questions

  1. Is the roleplay can motivate to the 11th graders in Speaking lessons in SMK NEGRI 9, Surabaya ?
  2. How are the students responses to this media to motivate the eleventh graders students speaking ability in SMK NEGRI 9, Surabaya ?
The first research question is a yes-no question, so it should be a quantitative study. However, in section III you mention that it’s descriptive qualitative study.
In addition, you need to think about how you’re going to measure the students’ motivation.

This researcher was aimed to increase 11th grade students motivation in English speaking lessons at SMKN. 9, Surabaya by using communicative activities.
The word ‘increase’ isn’t mentioned in the research question but it’ written in the objective.

To improve students motivation in English speaking learning, two important things should be done.  Firstly, teacher  should  apply  motivational  techniques to  motivate students in speaking learning. Secondly, it is necessary to improve textbook to attract more students in learning speaking.
A hypothesis is the tentative answer to the research question. This doesn’t seem to answer the research question.

Scoop / limitations
First, as could be seen from the title of the study, this paper placed strong emphasis on the 11th grade  students’  motivation  at  Vietnam    Poland  high  school  and  the  techniques  to  improve  students’ motivation in speaking class.
It’s called ‘scope’, not ‘scoop’. Why would you investigate a Vietnam-Poland high school? Where can you find such a school in Indonesia?

Role play : Assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), especially in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction ( Medical Dictionary ; American Heritage ).
You shouldn’t quote a definition from a dictionary because a dictionary is a popular text rather than a scientific one.

Motivation: The psychological feature that arouses an organism to action towards a desired goal, the reason for that action.
This definition is too general. You should choose a more specific definition which is closely related to language learning.

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